Hi guys,✋✋ I'm super excited about today n I hope u are too cus, you know why?....it's Friday and that means tomorrow is Saturday. Lol Today I'll be talking to to you about Your Source! What that means is, if your are a business man/woman, a wife/husband, a career person or a politician, whatever line of discipline you are in you do have a source and that means alot to you. Source: The person , place , or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) Comes or is acquired From the above definition, we can say that your source is your strengths Many people lose the consciousness of this fact there by ending in deep shit. Ability to recognise this vital aspect of your life gives you focus in life. To many God is thier source, to some it's thier job or business and to some their huaband, my advice today is discover and stick to your source. I'm this trying times of this global pandemic, is a good team to sit with yourself and tacke real...