''T he church is Gods vineyard and the believers are his plantations '' God in season drops some deposit of himself on us by his anointing with expectations in mind concerning the result of putting this anointing to use ( Isaiah 5: 2)..... and he looked for it to bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grapes. several times in our journey of life we disappoint God's expectations concerning the gifting, potentials and anointing he has put in us by not bringing forth the right fruit, such specie of believers whom God have so much expectations from are vulnerable to the devil's use, in other words, in this earth nature harbors vacuum, so spiritually, if you are not out for God, then your out for the devil and if you are not been used by God you are been used by the devil, you cant afford to be neutral, neither is there anything as being neutral as spirituality is concerned. so check your life right now, if you are not doing anything for God o...