THE BOOK OF JAMES (2nd series)

There is no life without God for God is life and as you can't separate a man from his word so also you can't separate God from his word. He said heaven and Earth will pass away but not a jot of his word will, that explains th at God's word is everlasting just as God is. And John 4:63; says, the word of God is spirit meaning it can't go outdated, it is sharper than any two edged sword.... ....all of this is to enable you understand why we need to continually on a daily basis feed on God's word for our family, relationships and for life as a whole. It is a builder of destiny and purpose. So, I believe that even as we continue in unraveling the truth in this book, our lives in all areas will experience divine shift in Jesus name. TODAY, we will feed on James 1:5-8 ...verse 5: T ells us that if you ask for wisdom, God will give it generously without finding fault: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding...