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KEYS YO WINNING YOUR FAMILY TO GOD: Family is God’s wisdom in establishing his  kingdom on the earth. So the family is on of Gods  Avenue of invading the world. Therefore, when  the family is faulty, the plan of God will be halted  because that’s the smallest unit through which  God can transform a nation. In today’s devotional, we would be pondering as  well as unravelling hidden secrets out of God’s word in order to be vessels through which our  families can be won to God. Remember, it is the  will of God that all men be saved, including your  family. I will like us to know that when it comes  to the kingdom of God, transformation or  salvation is first of the heart before it becomes  physical, in other words, to be able to win your  family to God, you must first of all believe it is  possible.  I want you to know that there are powers fighting  for the soul of your family. Powers working  tirelessly ...

February 28 - Salvation Now Tour podcast - 15s - Center Quote 9:16

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    Facebook :  Andrew Asimi          I nstagram : @Andy_asim        F. page :  A_simi page       twitter :  @Andy_asim Duet.3:26:   But because of you the  Lord  was angry  with me and would not listen to me. “That is enough,” the  Lord  said. “Do not speak to me anymore about this matter. Leadership is not a ticket to miss out of the inheritance of god. the fact that you are a leader doesn't side line you from the promises of god and neither does it make you the right and special beneficiary of gods' promises for his people. the understanding should give you the sense of fellowship even as a leader. the truth is that, until you become a follower yourself, you will and cannot attain that height of LEADERSHIP! follower-ship to god and to the ones he has placed over you in/by phase. SCRIPTURE: Rom.13:1-2 there are things Nature teaches us!..FACT!...the law of KARMA...


''T he church is Gods vineyard and the believers are his plantations '' God in season drops some deposit of himself on us by his anointing with expectations in mind concerning the result of putting this anointing to use ( Isaiah 5: 2)..... and he looked for it to bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grapes. several times in our journey of life we disappoint God's expectations concerning the gifting, potentials and anointing he has put in us by not bringing forth the right fruit,  such specie of believers whom God have so much expectations from are vulnerable to the devil's use, in  other words, in this earth nature harbors vacuum, so spiritually, if you are not out for God, then your out for the devil and if you are not been used by God you are been used by the devil, you cant afford to be neutral, neither is there anything as being neutral as spirituality is concerned. so check your life right now, if you are not doing anything for God o...

Expanding The Mysteries In The Kingdom

                                                                        FOCUS: Mark 4: 11 It is no news that the kingdom we live in, is a kingdom of keys and only those who by the help of the spirit locate the right key to every door lives the OVER-COMER'S life Lets look at the mysteries below;   THE SEAT OF WISDOM:    THE WORD .................. Jesus giving the sermon on seed sowing using the system to explain the mystery of the word or the wonders of the word in a believers life rightly nourished in his spirit man.     the word of  God is likened to ''Seed'' and the ''ground'' is likened to a believer.   verse 15:   talked about hearers of the word only. these are they which hear the which hear the word or read the word and ha...

Ebira Deep Worship - Greatsamson



HEY GUYS!!!!! HOW ARE YA DOING๐Ÿ˜„ Its been a very busy week for me in ma place and with my friends and family, you know, doing ma things(surely kingdom minded๐Ÿ˜‰) so you will be wandering, what this video here is about๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€, amidst my busy state, yea, this song has been been my jam through the week, you know that moment you want to have the feeling of being loved and appreciated by someone around and close to you,,,,,,,anyways, i'm feeling like i'm talking too much already๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š this song gives that feeling, especially when no 1 is around, you sha get that feeling๐Ÿ˜œ.... His handles are;  Instagram: @official_gr8_psalmson      Facebook: Greatsamson     Youtube: Great Samson  you should look out for him, great talent and the anointing is evident in his life. ENJOY YOUR DAY!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘