Family is God’s wisdom in establishing his
kingdom on the earth. So the family is on of Gods
Avenue of invading the world. Therefore, when
the family is faulty, the plan of God will be halted
because that’s the smallest unit through which
God can transform a nation.
In today’s devotional, we would be pondering as
well as unravelling hidden secrets out of God’s
word in order to be vessels through which our
families can be won to God. Remember, it is the
will of God that all men be saved, including your
family. I will like us to know that when it comes
to the kingdom of God, transformation or
salvation is first of the heart before it becomes
physical, in other words, to be able to win your
family to God, you must first of all believe it is
I want you to know that there are powers fighting
for the soul of your family. Powers working
tirelessly to see that your family is not saved. It is our responsibility to pull down such barriers to
their salvation and fulfilling their glorious destiny.
You can’t save a soul you’ve not prayed for. The
place of prayer is the place of planting. Going to
God in prayers and pulling down every veil
covering their eyes from seeing and receiving the
glorious gospel. For every battle there is the
spiritual and physical side of it 2 Cor.4:4
Every word that man speaks is a seed. Therefore,
by this understanding you know that, you don’t
just stop at praying alone, you also minister the
word of life to them, helping them understand
the good news of Jesus and the way to eternal
We are in the last days as the scripture noted, the
days of gloomy darkness, days where the saints
become the epistle that men read and study.
Your life should testify of the same gospel that
you preach.
People might not listen or believe your words but
they would not be able to doubt physical proofs.
When your life becomes exemplary to your family
members, they wouldn’t need much talk to be
won. Action speaks louder than voice. The good
you do today can go a long way to winning the
heart of your family members, no matter how
little. Jesus, our perfect example was a doer of good, no wonder the crowds of people he was
able to draw. The early church practiced this
wisdom and the church kept multiplying.
The manner of hurt and betrayal you get from
family at times can be unforgiving but hear this
wisdom, it will help you;
The easiest way to deal with forgiveness is to
practice forgiveness. It secures for you a glorious
future. So, if you must win the heart of your
family members, you must be ready to forgive
and do well at all times. Jesus, on the cross, in
pain had the right to curse his mockers but he
chose to pray to the father on their behalf for
forgiveness, today he seats at the right hand of
God, with many saved today into the kingdom.